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We are trying to work with our customers to get them to implement protocol to minimize the likelihood of spreading the virus. Some are willingly accepting this as the new norm for now. Others are reactive instead of proactive. Unfortunately the subcontractors are left at the mercy of the GC's for this to be effective all must commit.
Keep in mind that like any other Contamination scenario, we must control the zones.
When planning to perform a cleanup, you have to establish three different zones.
There is the Green (Cold) zone, this is where the contaminant does not exist.
Then there is the Yellow (Warm) zone, this is where the Decontamination occurs before entering the Green zone.
Then there is the Red (Hot) zone and this is where the containment exists.
Cleanup crews go into the Red zone to clean it up, but they must first pass through the Yellow zone and Decontaminate before entering the Green zone. They do this until the Red (Hot) zone has become Green (Cold) again.
One of the main differences in this case is, all of the “essential” businesses would have to be setup as Green zones. The outside would be established as the Red zone. To enter the Green zone, the person would first have to pass the entrance test (body temperature) then decontaminate before entering the Green zone (the establishment).
To begin with, all of these “essential” locations must have a Yellow zone established at all entrances. Inside of the building is the Green zone. The outside is the Red zone.
Hospitals and clinics have a partial Yellow zone already setup. They are taking the temperature of everybody before they are allowed to enter. If they have a temperature, then they are turned away.
However, they are not performing any type of decontamination prior to allowing someone to enter the Green zone.
Without proper ppe and training that will create exposures as well as liabilities. The people chosen for the task must be wearing ppe and have proper training as well as follow strict decontamination protocols before exiting the area. All entering would also need to follow the same decontamination protocols. This would be the only way to minimize spread among workers.
Furthermore, all of those turned away would have to follow the protocol
A Yellow (Warm) zone must be established at all “essential” locations. Keep in mind what all of the medical personnel are saying. “A person can have the COVID-19 virus and pass it on to someone else without knowing it.” Just because someone doesn’t have a fever, doesn’t mean they do not have the COVID-19 virus. So, decontamination is vitally important before entering the Green zone.
If the Yellow zones are setup and adhered too, along with the isolation that many governments have put into place.
The possibility of cross contamination will drastically decrease and the “curve” that is continuously being discussed will flatten at an exponentially fast rate.
At present time, none of the "essential" persons are properly protected and this is continuing the spread. Unless the protection protocol I have created is put into place or one very similar to it, this will continue.
Those are the last locations that have not been protected. I really need to get into contact with a political leader at a high level, either at the State or Federal level.
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